System Hygiene

KatyCare maintained systems are fast, reliable and secure due in large part to the policies and procedures we implement by proprietary scripting. From time to time, manual intervention is required to update and optimize our systems. Everything needed is found in the...

How to turn off uBlock ad-blocker

To keep your computer productive and secure, we install uBlock Origin ad-blocker on KatyCare computers. uBlock Origin is a lightweight ad blocker for Google Chrome. We recommend you run it to protect your computer from malware infected advertisements and to enhance...

Act! Customer Relationship Manager

Sales-oriented businesses will be familiar with the idea of a CRM – Customer Relationship Management – program. Act! is the CRM software we support at Katy – it’s a powerful program, capable of being remotely accessible, and includes powerful tools for scheduling and...

Bundled Software

Even perfectly useful software can sometimes hide unexpected packages. While it’s more common among free and repackaged software bundles, even such common and vaunted software as Windows is sometimes packaged with unnecessary programs. The common industry term for...

Data Backups

Data loss is a strange beast- it’s an easy trap to fall into, and a hard one to climb out of. There are criminals who would hold your information hostage, mechanical failures that can ruin your day, and plenty of ways for small mistakes to snowball into costly...