The Sensationalism of Dark Web Searches

The dark web, a term that often conjures images of a murky underworld thriving on illicit activities, has become a frequent subject of sensational journalism and research. This trend, however, poses several issues, notably the distortion of reality and the...

Find Missing Outlook Folders

There are occasions when an Outlook folder inexplicably vanishes. You’re certain it was previously present, but now it seems to have vanished. Frequently, the reason is that the folder has unintentionally been shifted under another Outlook folder, unbeknownst to...

Cloudflare for your Android or iPhone

Are you an Android or iPhone user looking to improve the performance and security of your mobile device? Are you having troubles connecting your email or social media accounts. If so, you may want to consider using the Cloudflare app. Cloudflare is a well-known and...

Reset DNS to

When your local DNS server fails, reset DNS to by following these steps: Click Start | | Network Connections Double click on Ethernet if hard wired into network, Wi-Fi if connected using wireless: Click on Properties box: Highlight...
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