When configuring a new network device, manufacturers will set the device to a static IP address – usually, or To program this device we change the IP settings on one of our workstations, program the device to work within our client’s network and deliver the device to our client. Until Windows 10 1703, this was an inconvenient process.

Katy technician workstations are configured to recognize multiple networks by using this batch file:

cacls c:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM || (echo Admin rights required & goto :eof)
for /F “tokens=3,*” %%A IN (‘netsh interface show interface^|find “Connected”‘) do netsh interface ip set interface interface=”%%B” dhcpstaticipcoexistence=enable
for /F “tokens=3,*” %%A IN (‘netsh interface show interface^|find “Connected”‘) do do netsh interface ip set address “%%B” dhcp
for %%f in (1 5 35) do for /F “tokens=3,*” %%A IN (‘netsh interface show interface^|find “Connected”‘) do netsh interface ipv4 add address “%%B” 192.168.%%f.254

By adjusting “1 5 35” you can vary what networks are native to the workstation.


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