Keeping good books is never a “cost”.
Not keeping good books always is.
QuickBooks ProAdvisor or a Certified ProAdvisor is an accountant or consultant who can provide 1-on-1 training and consultation services to help you install, setup, and optimize QuickBooks for your business.
Katy Computer Systems uses QuickBooks internally and has assisted small businesses in deploying it for their bookkeeping needs, as well as customizing it for their unique business requirements.
Our President, John Schmerold, is also a QuickBooks Pro Advisor.
Here are some of our QuickBooks services:
Onsite Installation and Configuration
Technical Support (on-site or remote)
Data Conversion / Import
Remote setup and configuration
Classroom and Web-based Training
Data file setup
After more than 20 years of supporting Telemagic and Goldmine, we evaluated the latest CRM and financial management technologies. ACT! was the clear winner. So, in 2014 our president became an Act! Certified Consultant (ACC). Today, we use ACT! and QuickBooks to manage our operations and help clients to profit from the benefits of ACT!
When you work with Katy, we will help you:
Get organized
Know your customers
Market your business
Drive sales and
Understand your Business
Our solutions rely on tight integration between ACT! and QuickBooks, you will be prospecting, quoting, tracking and invoicing like never before.
The growth of personal computers in the business world owes itself to the development of a piece of software that accountants loved: the spreadsheet. Accountants saved hours of time and reduced errors by using this early office productivity tool to replace large paper spreadsheets. Along the way other office productivity tools emerged, all of which contribute to efficiency and productivity in modern work environments. Microsoft has done an excellent job of developing quality office productivity software that is used in a number of those work environments.
Katy Computer Systems will work with your office staff to help organze your documents and make certain that they are backed up and capable of being restored when necessary.
Monitoring agents are installed on every computer and server.
Our proactive monitoring and alerting identifies, tracks and reports on issues affecting the security, performance and reliability of your IT.
By analyzing network device alerts, pre-failure indicators, performance benchmarks and security issues, preventative maintenance opportunities are identified.
Automated email notifications of warnings and or alerts are sent immediately to all support technicians.
Weekly up-to-date security patches for your desktops and servers are deployed and failed or missing patches are identified.
Weekly workstation and server maintenance.
Comprehensive server health reports for all computers and servers reviewed weekly.
Katy provides email and web hosting at no charge to our KatyCare clients.
We sell and support local servers in your offices, creating a private cloud for your organization. Private cloud is a type of cloud computing that delivers similar advantages to public cloud, including scalability and self-service, but your private cloud is dedicated to your firm, ensuring reliable, safe and secure operations.
Katy understands sip trunking, frame relay, iax, ADSL, ISDN, T1, Frame Relay, H.323 and all the other gobbly goop. We will work with you and your staff to make certain that your phones ring and that your computer systems work reliably and efficiently.